7 Foods To Eat For Healthier Skin

October 21, 2019



Your food choices effect your skin a lot more than you think: you are what you eat! Changing your diet may help solve some of your skin problems and help with signs of aging. Here are some foods that will boost collagen, fight wrinkles, and give you a healthy glow.

Green Tea

Green tea contains polyphenols, an antioxidant that helps fight free radicals. The vitamin K in green tea helps lighten dark circles under the eyes. Great for healing blemishes and scars, green tea flushes toxins out, and also keeps skin looking supple. Green tea can also be used in a toner to treat acne blemishes. Cool your used green tea bags in the fridge, then place them under the eye for about 15 minutes for a great natural under eye treatment.


Berries are another wonderful source to get antioxidants. Blueberries, raspberries and cherries contain a range of protective antioxidants that help shield your skin from free radicals damage.


Salmon is super-rich in antioxidants that can help calm inflammation. Its high content in omega-3 fatty acid serves as building blocks for healthy skin cells. Our bodies don’t have the ability to naturally produce fatty acids, so eating them helps reinforce your skin’s barrier. Keeping moisture in and irritants out.


Almonds are rich in vitamin E, a powerful moisturizing antioxidant that helps prevent signs of aging caused by free radicals. Drier skin types will benefit greatly from consuming vitamin E orally, as it can increase its levels on the skin’s surface. Research has also suggested that vitamin E can boosts your defense against skin cancer. 


Broccoli contains a myriad of vitamins good for skin. Including vitamins A and C which are fantastic antioxidants that support natural collagen production. The vitamin K in broccoli speeds up the healing time of bruises and can even help improve the appearance of dark under-eye circles.

Greek Yogurt

Nicknamed the “wrinkle fighter”, consuming greek yogurt is great for smoothing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It’s also rich in B vitamins, which can help detox skin. Don’t mistake flavored yogurt for its greek counter part! Flavored yogurt is saturated with sugar, which can actually wrinkle your skin!


Avocados can penetrate cells at the deepest level. Delivering the basal layer of skin a dose of vitamins A, D, and E, good fats, and phytonutrients.