Skincare Jungle Blog: Guide to Beautiful Skin

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Great skin often starts from the inside-out. Your skin may be telling you something about issues with your internal organs, face mapping may help you figure out whats going on. Face mapping is the practice of using the location of acne to determine treatment and prevention of blemishes. Hormones, poor diet or an underlying issue with an internal organ can all be triggering breakouts in a particular spot.


Pimples on your forehead may be linked to issues in your digestive system. Reducing the amount of fat in your diet may help clear breakouts in that area. Also, if you regularly wear headscarves, hats or any other head gear, the friction from the fabric may be to blame for any blemishes on your forehead. Hair products and oils can clog the pores near your hairline as well.

Between the Brows

Issues linked to food intolerance tend to present themselves in the area between the eyebrows.  If you continuously notice yourself breaking out between your eyebrows, you may be lactose intolerant or have an intolerance for processed food.


Cut your intake of all meats and spicier foods to reduce blemishes in on the nose. Switch to foods high in “good fats” like nuts and avocado. Pimples on your nose may indicate issues with your heart. Because this area is loaded with a lot of dilated pores, make sure all of the products you use on your face are non-comedogenic.


Make sure your phone, make up brushes and pillows are clean! Blemishes on your cheeks may correspond with issues in your respiratory system. Cutting out smoking may help clear up breakouts in that area.

Chin and Jawline

Pimples on your jawline may point to a hormonal imbalance. Birth control may be an effective treatment option for hormonal acne. Hormonal imbalance are unavoidable but you can try to combat it with a balanced diet and drinking the recommended amount of water daily. Consult with your dermatologist to determine the best form of treatment for you.